Outdoor First Aid


body check slopes


Nationally recognised Outdoor Emergency First Aid and Incident Management courses focus on wilderness first aid and remote first aid training techniques.

The course contents validates the requirements  of NGB /coaching awards – ML Summer, MLW, WGL, SPA, MIA, MIC, British Mountain Guide, IML, BASI, BCU, RYA, BOF, MIAS/SMBLA mountain bike awards, Local Cave and Mine Leader


outdoor leg damage


This remote first aid course is suitable for School Journey Leader, Duke of Edinburgh Leader/Coordinator and MIDAS minibus driver.

Course is ideal for ecologists and fieldworkers. 

Accreditation:The ITC Certificate in Outdoor First Aid is a 16 hour course approved by the Scottish Qualification Authority.

This course is recognised THROUGHOUT THE UK and is the only Outdoor First Aid qualification that is externally regulated and meets the standards to appear upon a national qualifications framework;

Unit 1 Emergency First Aid Skills: Leads to an Emergency First Aid at Work qualification

Unit 2 First Aid for Outdoor Incident Management:  Leads to the ITC Certificate in Outdoor First Aid qualification. 

For employers who would like both an EFAW and the Outdoor First Aid certificate, two certificates can be provided for course participants. An additional fee of £10 per candidate is required.

Course suitable for MLTA Awards. Summer and Winter ML, BELA, WGL, SPA, IML, MIA, MIC.