Our extensive range of services

First Aid at Work (FAW)


First Aid at Work is designed to enable employers and organisations to meet their Health and Safety obligations, for the provision of first aid to employees.


Education and Care (E & C).


A specific range of courses aimed at both the education and care sectors. Delivered by Red Dragon First Aid in a practical "hands on" approach, using the unique ITC delivery method. Whether you are working with the elderly, students, home carers, children and infants we can provide you with the training to meet your first aid needs and fulfil your duty of care requirements.

Outdoor First Aid (OFA).


Outdoor First Aid courses, can be described as emergency care for remote locations.

It is not about advanced skills, but being confident and competent in using basic skills for extended periods of time, and anticipating changes in the casualties status by good observation and recording of vital signs.

The outline course structures and teaching methods are awarded by OfQual accredited Awarding Body/Organisation ITC

Sports First Aid


Sports First Aid is a first aid training programme for recreational athletes or sports groups and associations and sports coaches. This course features numerous sports-related scenarios and information, and can be aimed at football, rugby, athletics, volleyball, racket sports, marshal arts and more. 


Need an individual consultation?

Simply call us on 07709 488863 or use our contact form.